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Social Media Strategy

Establishing the voice of GO-MAP at the University of Washington on Social Media 

October 2018 - Ongoing
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GO-MAP stands for Graduate Opportunities and Minority Achievement Program. It is a department within the University of Washington that is committed to serving the needs of the underrepresented (minoritized) groups of students within the university's graduate programs  


GO-MAP had almost zero presence on social media, especially on Facebook and LinkedIn. The objective given to me was to establish GO-MAP's voice, and ensure consistent reach and engagement

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Audited content previously posted on social media handles, across the web on blogs focusing on people of color, and assessed audience needs

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Created a quarterly social media calendar focusing on a mix of original content, event based content, and sharing content from relevant websites / blogs

Decided a uniform tone of communication for all the social media posts, in order to build a consistent voice for the organization on the web


An original storytelling series modeled on the hit social media campaign Humans of New York, featuring stories from GO-MAP fellows, alums, and staff

Avg. Engagement: 18%

Avg. Reach: 4,000 people


A content series throughout Feb '19, highlighting and celebrating the work done by the African-Americans across entertainment, science, sports etc

Avg. Engagement: 8%

Avg. Reach: 600 people

Industry standards consider 1.5% and above as a good engagement rate in context of Higher Education
Source: Rival IQ 2019 Social Media Benchmark Report
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