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Kanhaiya Maheshwary
Oct 29, 20206 min read
Surrogate Advertising in India - Brands in Disguise
Surrogate advertising is a type of advertising wherein an ad shows a certain product in place of another banned product (like cigarettes)
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Kanhaiya Maheshwary
Oct 12, 20202 min read
3 Inspiring Campaigns that Celebrate Women Empowerment
A look at some stellar campaigns that celebrate women in the best possible way.
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Kanhaiya Maheshwary
Oct 3, 20205 min read
Tracing over a century of Cola Wars through Ads - Pepsi & Coke's famous rivalry
The world has seen a lot of brand wars. But every marketer agrees that the Cola War between Pepsi and Coke tops that list!
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Kanhaiya Maheshwary
Oct 1, 20204 min read
How Cadbury's Dairy Milk won Indian hearts - of Chocolate, Culture, & Communications!
The phenomena called Dairy Milk did not happen overnight. It was a part of a long and winding journey, laid down carefully by Piyush Pandey.
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Kanhaiya Maheshwary
Sep 27, 20203 min read
5 Iconic Ads that used famous classical music pieces!
When Mozart composed Symphony No. 25 in G Min, little did he know that it would be used to sell watches in India over 200 years later!
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Kanhaiya Maheshwary
Sep 22, 20204 min read
Britannia Khao World Cup Jao - A marketing campaign that knocked the ball out of the park!
'Britannia Khao World Cup Jao', a campaign which promised to send Indians to the '99 Cricket World Cup got its Big Idea and audience right.
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